Invisalign Braces
As much as you might want straight teeth as an adult, you have no desire to wear metal braces for approximately two years. You might assume that you missed your chance to have a straight smile and better oral health if you didn’t have braces as a teenager. Fortunately, that’s not the case. Dr. Melendez of Oak Tree Orthodontics offers Invisalign clear braces as an alternative treatment plan. Not only will this improve the appearance of your smile, it will help reduce the risk of gum disease from having hard-to-brush teeth.
Invisalign Explained
Both Invisalign and traditional metal braces serve the same purpose. However, Dr. Melendez uses an entirely different treatment approach when he treats your overbite, underbite, or misalignment with Invisalign. This is the trade name of the company that came up with the concept of using clear plastic aligners in orthodontic treatment rather than metal braces.
After taking several impressions of your teeth and jaw, Dr. Melendez sends the information to our laboratory. Our technicians create a set of aligners based on your individual treatment plan. You can expect to exchange an aligner for the next one in the series approximately once every two weeks. Invisalign trays put continuous pressure on your teeth to cause them to shift.
Why Invisalign Makes an Ideal Choice for Orthodontic Treatment
The thing that draws most people to Invisalign is that they can straighten their teeth discretely without others having to know about their orthodontic treatment. While patients typically need to wear traditional metal braces for approximately two years, the average total treatment time with Invisalign is 15 months. You can also remove your aligners to eat and when you clean them. However, we recommend that all patients keep them in 22 to 23 hours per day for maximum effectiveness.
Working with Dr. Melendez to Create a Treatment Plan
Dr. Melendez will let you know if you’re a good candidate for Invisalign after your initial evaluation. He then develops a unique treatment plan based on your current tooth placement. The two of you will go over the plan together and he will address any questions that you have before moving forward with the process. Our staff will also provide you with information about our various payment options.
As a board certified orthodontist in San Antonio, Texas, Dr. Ray Melendez has achieved the highest standard in dentistry. In addition to his credentials and experience, he genuinely enjoys working with patients of all ages to help them achieve the smile they have always wanted.
Let’s Be Friends! Oak Tree Orthodontist in San Antonio